For most of us, we have been going STRONG for the last two years. Regardless of what your home and work life looked like. Or even how often it changed on you. You stepped up to the change that we have collectively experienced. But we have gotten lost in the process.
I feel that we are collectively getting back into that burn our stage. Which can be such a dark place that is hard to come back from. Every time I have been burnt out, it took an EQUAL amount of time to recover fully. Which drove me nuts.
Being on/available all the time is not sustainable. Its perfectly fine when you have to switch on that skill in a crisis mode. But when its your default. Well, that is the fastest way to burnout.
Instead of getting to burn out, lets break the cycle.
Todays episode will teach you how to set boundaries that help keep you from burnout. Where instead of setting boundaries on either our time or our obligations. I can give you practical examples of how to evaluate what is actually worth your time and what isn’t.
Plus, practical examples of learning how to say no around the feel that you always must be on. Hint, it always starting with saying no.
Which means that the next time you sit down to reevaluate your goals or desires. You wont feel that you are the one getting lost while taking care of everyone/everything else. Plus you will actually be able to identify/create pockets of time to work on those tasks that mean so much to you.