Raise your hand if you have bought a course and were disappointed in it? 🙋♀️ I know I have.
You read a sales page or see something on the socials and get sucked in. They are able to create magic with there words and tell a really good story. Have cute stickers or emojis. You get swept up in how they make you feel.
💙 Like the possibilities are endless
💙 You will be able to manifest so.. much… faster
💙 This course will transform you
It will bring forth this magical person that has it all together. The one that is never upset or has a bad moment. Its just one simple click away.
You get the courage.. Tell yourself its gonna be different this time and buy the course.
and… then you start to dig a bit and are disappointed. Or worst yet, they throw so much at you that its impossible to implement any of it.
💙 So you quit.
💙 Hide there emails about the course.
💙 Hell even forget that you bought is six months from now.
💙 Don’t tell anyone, other than a possible accountant hopping for a write off.
Not all courses are created equal. Actually… I’m gonna be hella honest. There are a good chunk of courses suck.
💙 They lack depth and feel like its missing parts.
💙 There is no follow through on what they talk about.
💙 The teacher doesn’t really know the material.
💙 They don’t live and breath there work.
I’ve bought a LOT of courses to. Like so many, that I have an organization system and spreadsheet with my login info. 🤓 All with the intention of moving my business and personal life forward. But most of them haven’t done that.
So why do we keep buying courses, audio books and workbooks?
To solve a problem or a pain point faster. But most of us cant actually tell you what that problem was. 🤦
My problem was simple. I knew we were broke and I was determined to not stay that way forever.
When I bought the course. I’ll be honest. I got excited about the lifetime updates. It wasnt really common back then.
What that turned into over the years is referring to it over and over again. Regardless of my income level or direction money showed up in my life.
I have been able to grow with this course and be supported at every stage of mine and Bens money journey. I don’t know another course that has been able to do that. (and I’ve bought a lot of them. Just don’t tell Ben. lol)
My goal with these emails is to make you aware of a solution to your pain. If money feels scary, overwhelming and out of control this is a way to solve it… as fast as you want.
Not all parts of the course will be relevant to you. For years, I focused on the bonuses Drop the money struggle and Elevate into overflow.
I need help getting out of the ugly struggle and bad habits I had been practicing.
But once I “mastered” those skills. I lived and breathed The wealthy woman bundle for almost 2 years. I loved that I had the ability to pick and choose what I needed help with.
Now I’m going back to elevate into overflow, but from a new perspective. My energetic minimum and maximum are different then what they were 5 years ago. So why not brush up on some skills to strengthen myself at this level.
This course is meant to grow with you. All I ask is that you give yourself a few minutes to see if it can solve a problem for you too.
Right now, my favorite course of hers is available for presale.
If you’ve been following my emails and have heard me talk about Amanda’s work, now is the time to enroll. It’s an incredible opportunity.
Plus, when you enroll, you’ll instantly gain instant access to the Drop the Money Struggle Bonus for pre-work and save an extra $1k off the course.
💙 💰 Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover💙 💰
Enroll through me, and you’ll receive two bonuses:
- Betting on Me: This flagship course will teach you how to monetize your skills, regardless of your life circumstances. You’ll have access to over 8+ hours of content with continual access and lifetime updates.
- 8 Live Strategy Coaching Calls: Over the course of 8 weeks, I’ll personally guide you through implementing what you’ve learned. Join our dedicated group, where you can ask for help and never feel stuck doing it alone

Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover