Margaret Stevens

One of the most impactful things that I am realizing as I grow is that I need to take my advice from people who have the success that I want.
I stumbled upon this one person in particular that I really admired. She has the business model, flexibility and success that I crave. She also is super nice and helpful. As I was cyber stalking her I noticed that she was walking the walk and talking the talk. ( I know you do this too. Checking someones Facebook page out for the tenth time is cyber stalking 😉 ) Then there was a discussion I had with one of my coworkers about a completely different topic that tied into something that had been buzzing around in the back of my head. You don’t ask advice on something from someone who is not successful.
I knew this, have said this over and over, but it never sunk in. Then It was like a lighting bolt. If I only asked advice from super successful people who had what I wanted, then I could not only get advice from them. But I could also learn from their mistakes as well and hopefully shorten my own success time frame.
So what I did was started thinking a new way and instead of only asking advice from some successful people. I changed my model of asking for advice from only successful people. I didn’t ask someone who had never published an ebook how to get on kindle. I joined a group forum of successfully published authors and soaked up the knowledge from them. When I wanted to get advice on how to relax and enjoy the moment more. I reached out to a group of people on the Lift app that were doing this every day and sharing their success. And I repeated this process over and over and over.
The best part was that I noticed two changes happening in my life. I felt that I was finally a part of a community that had a similar goals as my own. And I also was making progress at least ten times faster than I would have on my own or asking people who weren’t successful. The best part was I am building a network of people who care and are just as inspiring as me at the same time.
A lot of this change came from building a small habit. Instead of asking just anyone for advice. I first stop and think will this goal get me where I want to be in my career, life or marriage. If it passes that test, Then I think of who are the successful people who I know that have gone were I want to end up and ask them for advice. The advice that they give is always super insightful and thoughtful with my goals in mind. Which is what I wanted from the moment I say “Hey, do you know how to do…”.

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