OK. So I have all ready secretly wanted to burn it ALL down so that Ben and I could get out of our obligations. Part of that was because of vacations.
Now you might think that vacations are a pretty dumb reason for wanting to burn my life down.
But, It was deeper than that. It was because I never felt like there was any type of reward for our hard work.
Instead, it was just more work. No amount of money in our savings account felt like enough. And ironically that mindset moved over into out PTO at work too.
The ONLY reason why we starting taking PTO was because our company has a use it or loose it policy.
I didn’t even take my 14th wedding anniversary off. Instead, Ben took the day off . Built me an amazing office. While I ran around our day job like my hair was on fire, trying and failing to do both our jobs.
That was not what we had pictured for our anniversary. Then because we both had worked like crazy people. We didn’t even have the energy to go out for dinner.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I deeply loved that we did pizza and a movie. Its one of our favorite ways to reconnect and snuggle.
But what we both were a bit sad that most of the day we didn’t spend together. We didn’t even stop to do lunch.
So, instead of this becoming my normal. I have made a new family rule. On our anniversary we will take the day off. It doesn’t matter that we normally do our “big” vacation during thanksgiving.
This year we are diving back to Tennessee. And I cant wait to eat my body weight in pie and good southern food.
But with this new family rule. Its falls into the Yes and mantra that I have been forcing us to use.
Yes, we can take a big vacation a year AND we can take our anniversary off to celebrate our love for each other.
Yes, it can feel safe to cash in a big chunk of pto, AND we can still put our family first a few times a year.
Yes, we are always willing to work hard, AND its safe and necessary to rest too.
I talk about this mindset and more in Audio 3. Coming back to the land of the living
It’s all about creating a new reality of a life that doesn’t constantly drain you. So you can do what we did and make new, healthy family rules. Which means you learn how to integrate rest into your default mindset.
Here is to more yes and statements in your life.
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