Margaret Stevens

With the year getting close to wrapping up, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve been thinking about what I’ve don’t right and where I have totally bombed this past year.  And the thought that I keep on coming back to is this.

What am I getting out of staying small?

Let me explain what that means. When I talk about staying small. I’m referring to my own potential for greatness. I’m talking also about the challenges that get thrown my way and how I react to them.
I have always been an overachiever, even since birth. But for the last few years, I haven’t really challenged myself.  I didn’t say yes to a business the first time it was proposed to me. Instead, I spend 2 years and a lot of brain power regretting that I didn’t make that decision back then. But I didn’t do anything to change it.
The last year I was in corporate, I didn’t apply to any jobs that would have pushed me. I knew the job I was at was not challenging enough. What’s even worse, after talking to upper management I knew that their career track they had me on was DRASTICALLY different from the one I wanted.  But I didn’t do anything to change it.
I knew that my I missed my really healthy and active body. It wasn’t about being a certain weight. Regardless that I had gained almost 30 lbs. in the last three years. (Hello cosmic intervention anyone?)
But it was the frustrating fact that I was too dang tried to run any races. I was always too tired to go to the gym. (Which I love doing)  I was too tired to go bike riding with my dad on the weekends.  (Side note: my dad is my biggest fitness competition. We have been doing races, bike rides and a bunch of crazy fitness stuff together since I could walk. ) Even he commented and tried to motivate me to get back on track. But I didn’t do anything to change it.

I knew I needed to change my life around. I just didn’t know how.

So for the last year, I honestly have been drifting. I started working at my husband’s business, but still didn’t take care of my health, career goals.
Instead, I signed up for a bunch of things I had wanted to do for years.  I joined Bschool, I flew up to Main, I stated that business, and I signed up for a half marathon.
I basically overcorrected and it was the most perfect thing I could have done.
By joining Bschool, I meet a bunch of amazing people, and have bonded with a small group of women that I just love.  We are total ride or die gals now, regardless that we all live around the world.
Flying up to Main was great. I got to meet an idol of mine, meet new friends, go somewhere I’ve never gone before and have a good vacation. Things I just couldn’t have while in corporate.
I hustled my buns and came up with the capital to start that business. This has been fantastic! I love my product partner and how I am literally PAID to be as healthy as possible.  I started getting results that make my inner overachiever happy, while building residual income.
(Residual income is so important to me. After I broke my arm in 2015 and needed months of surgery’s, physical therapy and healing. I’ll never take it for granted again.)
And I started working out again. I’m in the process of training for that half marathon.  Some days the runs are good, some days it takes all my energy to not just stop the treadmill and go home.

So how can this help you?

If you are feeling stuck or that you’re just not living up to your full potential lets flip the script.
Instead of focusing on how fricken stuck you are. Start to focus on what things you have power over, that you always wanted to do and start saying yes!
Start that business. Star working out again. Do something that scares you, but that you secretly have always wanted to do.
Its gonna be scary, your gonna skin your knees and learn a lot. But I can tell you it’s a thousand times better than sitting there wondering what life would be like.

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