I can’t help it. I love to multitask. I love the feeling of accomplishing something and I am a hundred percent addicted to it. To the point where they actually hurting me worse is helping me. I was watching a video on Marie’s folios website and she was talking about an amazing topic.
Basically having a spot that you could go ahead and send all these amazing items that you wanted to help into that eat up all your time and putting them in one spot. For me I use evernote. So that way you can go ahead and continue the work you have to accomplish but not feel not fear that you’re going to lose out on an amazing item which could be an email a video a new blog post whatever the cases. So this is something implementing. One of the big things I’ve been working towards is not overwhelming my schedule. Filtering things against my life goals means making sure that I am NOT overwhelming myself with new things to learn at the same time. If I’m always learning something but never putting in the time to implement something what good is that? So what I did instead of reading all these email subscriptions I have signed up for I actually created a filter in my Evernote account so that anything that would possibly distract me I would go ahead and send it to this email pack.
I called its a stack crack because basically I wanted to have this one point in time where I sit down if I had 20 minutes of free time and I will go through a bunch of stuff that I had deemed important but knew I needed to get you later. With that tag in my Evernote account I could go ahead and look at all those goodies at once. And then I left them alone for about a week. I didn’t look at my stat crack list at all. But what I did was entire time up until that week I went ahead and anytime I found something cool that I wanted to look into I will look at the title or whatever it was for 2 seconds and if I felt it was worthy to look into I was send it out. The thing that I learned the most was 90 percent of what I sent a mess that crack with kind of useless.
I have signed up for so many different types email campaigns and marketing strategies and what they all of this stuff. But all of this stuff with literally overwhelming it was screaming for my attention it was doing his job directing my eyeballs to their site for their content of creating my home. The scary part of all of this was that once I had left everything alone 90% of this didn’t feel important. I kinda didn’t care to go through six different people 10 steps to creating better email campaigns list. That would be 60 emails I will be reading on how to do better emailing campaign. And every time I read one of their emails I was not sending out my own emails. So what would be the point of reading all this. I ended up taking them and deleting them. A lot of this information was showing me that I was subscribing to the same type of content but through multiple offers.

So that was something that I could go ahead and eliminate. And also was showing me that this was biggest thing that I was using as a huge distraction instead of using it to get me knowledge and create even better content. It was basically my biggest excuse and it needed to be slashed. So instead I have been deleting things. I am NOT signing up for new email subscriptions. I am NOT signing up for new seminars. I am NOT signing up for the latest and greatest tips and tricks on how to do something. Instead I’m choosing my time wisely. If I want to go ahead and send out email campaigns I needed to actually send out my emails. If I want to go ahead and create contacts that is amazing and wonderful. I need to just go ahead and write blog post so that I can share the things I am learning and think they can help you. I need to stop making life so complicated and actually use a free resources I have instead of hoping that someone will have the next best thing.
I don’t need to feel like their email is my own next million dollar idea. Million dollar idea is inside me. It doesn’t matter what course I take it doesn’t matter what training I go through none of it can change how I reach out to you. It’s not going to affect my styling, it’s not going to affect my content, is not going to fix my message. I just may be a little more polished. But I’m going to say I’d rather take 10 emails or 10 blog post that are a little humble a little personal and not as polished, Instead of one email that comes out so perfect that people don’t feel that they can reach out to me. That was never my goal. My goal was to have a very calm and relaxing place that you count on me to give you advice I have lived out. So I need to follow my own advice and stop trying to create this perfect person.. I’m not a perfect person I have issues. I’m just trying to figure out how to share that a little bit better with you along the way.