Margaret Stevens

We are all hypocrites.  We are always talking about becoming a better person, especially around the beginning of the year for our new years resolutions. But people never sit there and declare out to the world that they LIKE who they are. Hell, they might LOVE who they are, but feel the need to change to fit in better.This can be becoming a better person so that they can get a promotion at work; regardless that the job is soul sucking and is not where they want to be. It can be with family; because they have put up with the “family standards” for so long that its hard, and scary,  to rock the boat. It can be with the relationship to ones self. We don’t realize that over the years how much our environment influence us and that once those influences are gone we don’t get rid of the things that make us unhappy. We keep going in a career that is not fulfilling because its now whats expected of us. We keep talking to people that bring us down. We keep images of what our life, body, opinions should be and don’t take the time to sit and reevaluate what needs to change. This past year i have been doing a lot of thinking and breaking down of the walls that have kept me in this funk. I have come to terms with my body and am slowly learning that i can appreciate it for the amazing things it helps me do, regardless of my size. I have taken a new look at how i talk to people. I use to keep talking about the same thing over and over, and would get on my high horse about a topic and would look down at people.Instead of just letting them go and make the decisions their own way. Only helping when they asked for it, not giving it all the time.
What about shutting down the person we really want to be;and instead becoming a person that is a shell that represents the perfect person in every scenario. We are the perfect housewife, family maker, cook, cleaner, organizer and are able to handle everything. This is where we are all hypocrites. We are not encouraged to truly show who we are all all times. We put on faces for work and for friends and family and are only able to decompress when we are alone. What is so wrong about cutting off your hair in a style that breaks the mold of who you use to be. What is so wrong with drastically changing the way you dress because that is what makes you comfortable. What is so wrong with not putting up with shit from anyone and saying no, not yes when you really want to. Taking back parts of your life are hard. I wish that for each new years we would take the day to sit there and reflect what has changed and truly reevaluate our lives, not our waistlines. Instead of looking at our expanding pants and increased weight as something that needs to be defeated in the gym. Why not look at it as a sign that the lifestyle we are living is not in harmony with what we want to be. This might be the reason why people are constantly binge eating and shoving candy in their face at work. They cannot stand the thought of sitting around being told what to do and not appreciated for 8 hours every day. So its easier to bring yourself a little pick me up in the form of a candy bar instead of changing jobs. Instead of just talking about what we want to change, lets see if we need to take back changes that we have done.

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