Are you tired of feeling powerless when it comes to money? You have all these ideas about how this time it’s going to be different, that the next thing you pitch or launch will be the BIG ONE.
The ONE idea that will bring in ALLLL the cash, build up your savings, and allow you to finally check off those wish list items you’ve been dreaming about on your Pinterest board for years.
But then life happens. Days turn into weeks, and months slip away. Before you know it, half the year is gone, and you’ve made the same progress as last year – nowhere near enough. And it hurts.
I bet you’ve been told things about money:
💙 You should just be grateful and not look a gifted horse in the mouth.
💙 Money comes and goes.
💙 Money is not reliable.
💙 You’re crazy to expect to make more money than last year.
💙 Not everyone gets to have what they want.
💙 Society loves to tell women that we always have to choose.
But why wait for years to live the life you desire?
I’ve always believed in investing in knowledge when I lack it. And here’s a secret: Since purchasing Amanda’s money course, my income has increased every year, regardless of whether I’m working for myself or someone else.
Amanda’s money course will transform your relationship with money at a mind, body, and soul level, and you’ll be surprised how it positively impacts other areas of your life as well.
Don’t just take my word for it—check out the four podcast episodes I dedicated to how this course changed my life. And there are thousands of other testimonials to back it up.
This course has been transformative for me at every income level. It provided modules that helped me feel secure even when I was making just $250 a week (after taxes and struggling to make ends meet). And now, as I make over $100k (excluding Ben’s income), with a substantial savings and multiple bank accounts, it continues to serve me.
Right now, my favorite course of hers is available for presale.
If you’ve been following my emails and have heard me talk about Amanda’s work, now is the time to enroll. It’s an incredible opportunity.
Plus, when you enroll, you’ll instantly gain instant access to the Drop the Money Struggle Bonus for pre-work and save an extra $1k off the course.
💙 💰 Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover💙 💰
Enroll through me, and you’ll receive two bonuses:
- Betting on Me: This flagship course will teach you how to monetize your skills, regardless of your life circumstances. You’ll have access to over 8+ hours of content with continual access and lifetime updates.
- 8 Live Strategy Coaching Calls: Over the course of 8 weeks, I’ll personally guide you through implementing what you’ve learned. Join our dedicated group, where you can ask for help and never feel stuck doing it alone

Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover