Margaret Stevens

Have you ever been so overwhelmed with stuff that you feel like your drowning? Or better yet, that you want to give up. There are too many decisions to make. Too many things to sort through. Too many tasks and to-do list to juggle. And that’s all before you go to work that day.

If so, you’re not alone. I always thought that If I wasn’t being busy, then I wasn’t valuable. Only busy people got the promotion or that big client. Only busy people made great money. Only busy people got ahead in life.

The reality was of being busy was that I was constantly crabby, burnt out and just living for the next day I could sleep in.

So, since I love doing things in 3’s. (It’s my sacred number) I decided to take this problem and break it down into three simple steps to get rid of the clutter. I craved more freedom and expansiveness in my day. That meant that I needed to get stuff off my plate. Not focus on managing my to-do list over and over again.

Here are my top 3 things that I use to remove clutter (both mental and physical) in my life.

  1. Having too many things on the to-do list steals brain juice
  2. Clutter slows you down and holds you back
  3. Clutter is a way to stay small. Because without clutter there go your excuses.

1) Clutter steals brain juice

Think of it this way, each time you have to make a decision you are using up precious resources. But the linchpin is that you only get 100 unity of brain juice each day. There is no trick or hack or thing you can eat or drink to get over 100.

So, if you only have 100 units that mean each time you have to remember to do something some units are eaten up. Can’t think of what to wear today? bye units. What are you going to do for dinner? Do you take that course? Do you reach out to that client? Do you write that newsletter? Do you bring up the fact that you want a promotion? Can’t find your bills on your desk? All of it is using units.

So, now that I have freaked you out. Instead of looking at your to-do list with fear. Look at what can get outsourced or just kicked off the island. That’s the only way to get those units back.

2) Clutter slows you down and holds you back

When we are filling out lives with unnecessary shit, then it’s like driving with no air in your tires. Your moving, but nowhere near as fast enough as you could be. You’re holding yourself back. It’s going to take you waaayyy longer to make dinner when you have to constantly dig out your pots and pans. Its easier to go to Starbucks and waste 20 minutes then to make coffee at home because you cant find your tasty beans. Its easier to “always be working” then to hang out with your friends because your list is unrealistic.

Instead of focusing on that to-do list, focus on the top 5 things you want to get done for the day. Then consider everything else a bonus. (Its also best to make sure that at least 1 of the 5 is something that brings in revenue or takes care of existing customers)

3) Clutter is a way to stay small. Because without clutter there go your excuses.

If you have no more clutter than you have no more excuses. No more things to complain about. No more reasons for why your being held back. No more excuses to be a victim. Most people stop here because that are afraid of what they would do with that open time and brain space on their calendar.

It can honestly be terrifying to have a ton of white space on your calendar. It’s something that I’m still struggling with. My default method is to go and fill my time up with a new course or a new plan. Instead of sitting down and enjoying dinner. Or even just having a lazy Sunday with my family.

If you are feeling this way, then just take baby steps. I literally started out with focusing on 10 minutes of white space in my day. Even with that small amount it took a few months for me to become comfortable with that.

I want to to know that you are not alone in this journey. Its ok for this new path to take months instead of days to become a new habit.

Now I want to hear from you. In the comments below list three clutter items that you’re going to clean up today.

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