Margaret Stevens

It can be an amazing thing to feel inspired, especially when you get that deep feeling that hits you hard. For me it’s like being smacked upside the head hard enough that sometimes I have stumbled when walking. I always say that I was thinking too hard and forgot where I was, when in reality it is more like I just got a message on the express train to my brain. This seems to happen to me when I have spent time with my friends and start talking about what can be.  I love talking about the future and planning on what can happen. So much so that I sometimes forget to sit down and actually make the future happen.
This came because I had met with a friend I had worked with for a few years for coffee. We finally caught up after not working together for almost a year and It was great. I was so happy to hear he had gotten married and was doing well, and was expecting a baby. I was equally happy to say that I was doing some amazing things and had some stuff in the works for my self as well. Over all it was a happy time. One thing that he asked me was for a list of all these amazing books that I am always reading about on business, but with a soul.
It is well-known to all my friends and family that I am a total book nerd. I love to read so much that I just call it consuming books and not reading anymore. I swear I was the only one that was jumping up and down when I found out that amazon was going to start renting out book through their kindle unlimited program for only $10 a month.  I must have been one of the first to sign up and have started devouring books ever since.Reading is just as important as breathing to me.  But back to my friend and the coffee shop.
We were talking about all these amazing books that I have read this past year and why I was totally in love with them. Then he asked me such a simple question. Can you send me that list since I know you are tracking those books? I said of course said that I would and sent over the list of 40 books the next day. But then it hit me. Why not share it with my readers as well. I still find it hard to believe that someone enjoys my writing and that I am not just writing out into space. I still struggle with the thought that I can be a good writer and have enough to say that someone would take the time out of their day to read my post.  But my ultimate goal has always been to share my knowledge and talk about things that have shaped me and what I learned from them. I don’t know that I will make it a point to start doing reviews on these books, but I figured that I owed it to you to finally get off my butt and set up my amazon account so that you could see what I recommended.  This list of business books literally came from the list that I sent my friend and if you were in front of me, I would be sharing the same thing.  If you are looking for something specific and don’t see it on the list feel free to email me and I will be glad to send you back way more books than you will have time to read in order to try to help you!
My way of thanking my friend was to make sure that the books I find amazing are not just stuck with me, but shared with everyone. This is what leads me into sharing your art to thank people.  We have friends and family members that are going to say the right thing to us at the right time and may never know how much they have impacted our lives. I like to think that I am thanking them ten times over by publishing something that lets the entire Internet know how much I appreciate their time and words. I know that you might have read multiple blogs that are telling you to publish more and do in general just a ton more to be “successful”. But in reality I have noticed people who are truly successful and are doing things that they love long-term is because they feel its their “duty, mission on earth, reason for existing, ect” to help and share their knowledge with others. It is almost always coming from a place of joy, light and love and not from a place that is wanting to focus just on SEO rankings and Google’s latest algorithm updates. I am writing this post in that light and from that space. I will be continuously be updating my amazon list on the store  page not to just try to make a buck. But to try to help you from afar. I don’t know where you are in life or why you may have stumbled on my blog. But I want to help you. This is the same reason why we can just click with a blogger and spend tons of time reading their work. It can feel that they are in the room with us and are just talking to us. I hope that this post can feel the same way.
If you are struggling with the same road blocks that I am about publishing your work try this. Look at the item, and ask is it coming from a place of love and joy or obligation. If its obligation then it is going to be a lot harder to try to make it work long-term. If it is from a place of light a love, then just pretend that you are talking to a friend in need. This is why we write, produce videos, create courses and in general sell our works. We are hoping to help some one in need. When you are coming from that space every sale is just going to be a bonus from there.
In the comments below tell me what Book you would recommend to your best friend and why it shaped you? I am always looking for new reading material! 😉

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