Yesterday I told you a story about how I was able to find a course to get me on the right track. Here part 2.
When we decide to close the shop, it was a HUGE move. Â We had a lot of debt to deal with. Â While we loved being entrepreneurs, we needed a break. Â So while Ben was at a motorcycle auction, he mentioned that he was going to close the shop.
That lead to a phone call, which lead to an interview 3+ hours south at a dealership. He was smart enough to negotiate that we both work for the company or that I would go work at one of there competitors. Lol (such a boss move)
Needless to say, after an obsessives amount of hours weighing the pros and cons. We decide to say good by to our life and move south.
With that came even more debt and decisions. See when we closed the shop we had a 7k loan on a credit card and a 35k loan to a local small business incubator. Just for the shop alone.
Knowing that we had to pay them back was a bit overwhelming. Because on top of that, we were moving into a RV, we couldn’t find housing and selling were our house at the same time.
So juggling moving, driving back and forth 3+ hour each way on the weekends to renovate our existing home. Plus taking all of our cash and using it to start paying off the business debt was a lot.
We were making about 3x more each week than we were when we owned our business. Â But we didn’t keep any of it. I truly mean it when I say we were taking ALLL of our excess money and paying off the business.
It felt like the creditors come from everywhere.
💙 a bill for our phone and internet from the shop. Even though we returned the equipment.
💙 That incubator loan for 35k that had to be paid back in 7 months to “allow” us to close the business or they would sue.
💙 We had to pay the county because they didn’t know we had closed and tired to charge us for assets they thought we had.
💙 A PO box to move all our mail to our new home.
💙 Personal credit card debt that had racked up while owning the shop.
💙 Paint, new AC, new roof and other things to make the house look nice to sell it.
💙 One of us driving to our old home each weekend to get things done. ( We took turns, but still. Gas, food, ect).
It was such a weird time. We were both making more than we had in YEARS. But we weren’t keeping any of it.
I hated the feeling that we were spending it as fast as we made it. So instead of making up a story or “limiting belief” in my head that we had manifested this debt.
I made up a new story with the help of one of the bonuses from the course. I leaned in hard to drop the money struggle bundle every time the bills felt overwhelming.
How I said it in my head…. Â We are paying our way out of poverty and clearing the decks from our old lives. Â Every time someone wants to charge us. Â Its just another part of our life that we are releasing so that we can fully create a new life down south.
I was willing to clear all the clutter to get to that new life. Â
💙 I donated hundreds and hundreds of household goods instead of moving them.
💙 Ben sold tools and equipment that he wouldn’t need anymore.
💙 Our clothing got paired down and we sold all our furniture.
💙 Most of my office stuff got sold and books that I had been collecting for 10 years at that point.
Basically we sold/donated/gave away so much that we could fit everything in a 10×20 storage unit. And that included a 8ft tool box with the tools that Ben did keep.
Being so willing to get rid of everything started to add up. We finally had stopped getting random bills saying we owned someone else money.
Ben was able to side hustle his face off and we paid that stupid loan off. Â I took every hack I could to redirect money and snow ball it toward the existing debt we did have.
Buy the time we sold the house. We were in the clear. No more people having there hand out. No more random bills. No more baggage.
All the while I was learning and listening to the money course over and over again. It was one of my favorite things to listen to while driving from home A to home B. All those hours on the road really added up.
I took every opportunity to soak up the wisdom and change my mindset. Â I had said that prayer to help me manifest the life I wanted all along. Â This felt like me holding up my end of the bargain and “doing the work”.
Does that mean this has to be your story. Hell no!!!! This just happened to be mine. Changing your mindset around debt and money doesn’t have to mean you blow up your life in the process.
But what it will mean is that you are clear on the vision you are holding and what you really want to manifest.
That can be as simple as getting the credit cards paid off and having 10k or more in savings. Or it can be a big and bold as what Ben and I did.
The path to the life you want is really only a few moves away. I’ve proven that over and over again, as I keep realigning myself with my new dream life.
I see money as an opportunity to do good in the world and keep me and my family safe now. Â Not as a stressful burden or something that I have no control over.
Plus, the tools that I have learned helped me from making stupid mistakes once we really were able to keep it. The reason why I talk about this course every year when it opens is because it grows with you.
Regardless of where you are at on your money journey, there is a module or lesson that can help you shift. Â While it can feel like magic at times. It really is just you putting yourself into a supportive and positive environment. Were people are willing to stop sabotaging there lives when it comes to money, make more and finally thrive.
Right now, my favorite course of hers is available for presale.
If you’ve been following my emails and have heard me talk about Amanda’s work, now is the time to enroll. It’s an incredible opportunity.
Plus, when you enroll, you’ll instantly gain instant access to the Drop the Money Struggle Bonus for pre-work and save an extra $1k off the course.
💙 💰 Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover💙 💰
Enroll through me, and you’ll receive two bonuses:
- Betting on Me: This flagship course will teach you how to monetize your skills, regardless of your life circumstances. You’ll have access to over 8+ hours of content with continual access and lifetime updates.
- 8 Live Strategy Coaching Calls: Over the course of 8 weeks, I’ll personally guide you through implementing what you’ve learned. Join our dedicated group, where you can ask for help and never feel stuck doing it alone

Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover