Have I ever told you the story of how I went from $250 a week to $100k a year? It was years ago, when Ben and I ran a motorcycle shop. Ben had talked about running a shop for years as a dream. Then the opportunity came up in 2015.
So we opened the shop. Our first year was fun and rough at the same time. So much fun because Ben was doing something he loved and we were gaining traction fast.
💙 Expanded locations 2x because we got too big
💙 Getting tons of referrals from existing customers
💙 Making more money each week through the shop
But the scary part was when we hit year 2. Â See, we had a run way of about a year of income before the shop had to start supporting us. Â Between my corporate job and then the settlement I had gotten for my broken arm. Â We had some wiggle room.
Then, when it came time for the shop to start paying us. MANNNNN did we mess it all up. Â
💙 We didn’t know how to account for the taxes.
💙 We struggled putting a dollar amount to our time spent
💙 We always made paying ourselves the last priority.
It was always the business coming first. Â Not taking into consideration that the business should take care of us too. Â So about this time. Â
I finally hired a decent accountant and she told us to start at least paying ourselves $250 a week, each. That $250 felt so scary. Mind you, I had been fired from a corporate job making 40k a year just before.
So it wasnt the “actual” dollar amount. It was that I didn’t feel worthy of the money. I had so many hang ups around making money, selling, paying ourselves.
Most of the time paying ourselves would make me want to throw up. But at the same time, the tiny income that we were taking was starting to take a toll on us.
💙 We couldn’t get a car loan with out my dads help because our income was too low. (aka non existent)
💙 We were racking up credit card debt. Often times paying the minimum or $2 more if the a/c bill was cheap enough.
💙 We started bartering out services around the house, because we couldn’t pay to get the a/c properly fixed.
I felt like a frog in a pot of water, and the water was starting to get uncomfortable.
Other than Ben beating cancer, it was one of the times I’ve prayed hardest for help. God, Angels, Universe, anyone who was listening. I knew that we were one accident away from something catastrophic happening.
Then a friend make a Facebook post about a women call Amanda Fances. I was like cool.. I keep asking for the universe to help me around money. Let me follow her.
Following her lead to buying one of her courses on my credit card, using the payment plan.
Which turned into me digging into some of my biggest money fears:
💙 Like taking customer out of paying us for services. Because they could do them next time. Even when they were asking for it then and there. 🤦
💙 Not being comfortable of handling more money. At home or for the shop.
💙 That I could ever get good with money and not have to spend it all before it disappeared.
And slowly, as I used her work.
💙 $250 a week started to become $300 a week…. Then $400 a week… I got comfortable paying us more each week.
💙 The shop goal went from bringing in 5k a month to 10k a month. It was safe to handle more money.
💙 I started “selling” when at work. Aka making relevant recommendations with no attachment other than to be of service.
My life changed by using Amanda’s work… Even though we ended up closing the shop. Â We couldn’t expand anymore without going to a franchise; Â and wanted to do something different. Â
The money principles have stayed and grown with me. I used them to negotiate my salary for the job I’m at now.. Let me be fully transparent 60% of my paycheck is commission.
Why? Because I knew that as I learned my craft I wanted to make sure I didn’t have any money hoops to jump through. I didn’t want to have to ask for a raise every time I made progress.
I knew that I could trust my self to make more money. Â I had a unbreakable foundation in place. Â I also had lifetime access to resources to get me unstuck while our income has grown.
I’ve used here course over and over again for years now. Its been with me through some extreme lows and now for the bigger dollar highs.
Right now, my favorite course of hers is available for presale.
If you’ve been following my emails and have heard me talk about Amanda’s work, now is the time to enroll. It’s an incredible opportunity.
Plus, when you enroll, you’ll instantly gain instant access to the Drop the Money Struggle Bonus for pre-work and save an extra $1k off the course.
💙 💰 Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover💙 💰
Enroll through me, and you’ll receive two bonuses:
- Betting on Me: This flagship course will teach you how to monetize your skills, regardless of your life circumstances. You’ll have access to over 8+ hours of content with continual access and lifetime updates.
- 8 Live Strategy Coaching Calls: Over the course of 8 weeks, I’ll personally guide you through implementing what you’ve learned. Join our dedicated group, where you can ask for help and never feel stuck doing it alone

Check out the course-> Money Mentality Makeover