Margaret Stevens

As I prep for the next two months of getting to work on a really big course I paid for a few years ago. I noticed a few things this time around.  In the past, when I was going to be working on something important, I would get super excited.  Then, I would go on this mad Pinterest hunt to see what other resources. That way I could make the project even better. But then the same issues would keep coming up.  I never got anywhere with the project.
I have always been known for being super resourceful. If anyone wants to “learn” about something normally everyone comes to me.
But because I was always in learning mode:
  • I never got my blog post out.
  • I never got the important things off my todo list.
  • I never stopped adding things to my plate. Which lead to massive amounts of self criticism because I was never “getting anywhere”. 
I had all this knowledge,but it was stuck in my head. I was never consistent.
So I started trying something new. Instead of getting excited that I was going to work on a new project for a few months. I decided to break it down into three manageable steps.
  1.  How did I want to feel for the next three months?
  2. What was going to be the theme?
  3. What was going to be taken off my plate to get that project done.

1) How do you want to feel?

 I have too many years of either burn out from pushing waaayyy to hard or months of getting nothing done.  Plus i always seemed to lose momentum when i was on a roll since i had a “new goal” that i switched to ever few months.  So instead of having a theme of accomplishment. I focused on feeling good.  If the goal didn’t make me feel good, it was off the list.

2) What was going to be the theme?

I also liked using a theme since I normally am working on three projects at once.  One for my direct sales company, one for my brick and mortar and one personal goal.  An example could be a Health goal can start out as getting in more exercise for the next 90 days. So I would take that goal and break it down into a 3 month challenge. The first month would be to eat more fruits and veggies, drink more water at work. The second month would be to drink less coffee and get more steps in. The third month would be to increase my exercise regiment since I would be feeling better by then. This way I had something to look forward to and challenge myself to each month. ( see how they are all building?)

3) What’s going to be taken off my plate?

The last thing is the hardest. You want to build a brand or company that’s consistent, not scattered. It also take at least a solid 90 days to not only have your new goal become second nature. But it also take that time to make sure that it’s really integrated into your life.
Meaning your family will have learned how work with you in accomplishing this goal.   It also gives you time to see if its something that you want to continue with.  
Not all projects are meant to be in our lives forever and that’s ok.  Sometimes a 90 day “push” is me working to take something off my plate for good so that I have the space I crave to get the important things done
So I want to hear from you in the comments below.  Tell me what you are going to implement over the next 90 days, how its going to make you feel and what you are going to take off your plate.

One Response

  1. OMG Maggie, I’m so proud I think I’m gonna cry!!

    I’m working on upping my online presence and changing the way I run my business to be 95% on my mobile over the next 90 days. I’m tired of lugging my laptop around on trains and planes. I’m getting rid of services and methods that do not work for me, and I feel so incredibly light and empowered already 🙂

    Cheers to growth.

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