I just finished the book Atomic Habits by James Clear and it was amazing. My biggest take away was that it doesn’t matter how long you take to do some. Instead what matters is how many times you do it.
So let me give you a practical example. I love reading and learning from other people. Part of that love of learning is that I’ve collected quotes through out the years that help move me forward. ‘
Now over the years the quotes and my obsession’s for them has changed. It was as if they were a guiding light showing me where I needed to grow.
So after listening to the audio book. ( If you buy it, go audio, it was great. ) I wanted to incorporate something that could truly be life changing.
I didn’t want to commit to a cleaning or exercise routine. I already do that stuff. Instead, I committed to taking all of those quotes and writing the down while eating breakfast.
Now this might sound a bit weird that my biggest goal would be to write down my and others quotes. But here is the thing. I’ve learned over the years that if I don’t change the way my brain thinks, non of my success will last.
Ill end up self sabotaging and blowing everything up. I’ve done it with getting my house hold into debt. I’ve done it with business ventures that I wasnt fully committed to. I’ve even done it with courses that I purchased with the hope and passion that this time was going to be different.
This time I was going to fully show up online. This time I was going to be able to side hustle like my husband does. This time I would…..
You get the point.
So after years of being my own worst enemy, I heard one of my mentors from afar talk about focusing on their mindset first. Which was crazy to me, because I always thought that you had to do the practical first and then could go back and fix the mind.
But that wasnt true. So instead I started focusing on changing the way I thought on ever level. I started reading books on NLP and how the brain works. I started buying courses to had me do a ton of journaling to dig out and replace my fears around time, money and my energy.
And it worked. Every time I was able to elevate into a new level it was because I was doing the practical and the mental at the same time. I truly let my self believe that I was aloud to have the thing I wanted so badly.
But my downfall has been that I wasnt consistent about that work. I would deep dive and focus on that one mini thing, fix it, then go back to waiting for the next thing to fix.
While over the years I’ve been collecting quotes that move and inspire me. Quotes that help me think bigger and talk to what i really desire, not just what’s acceptable.
So after reading that book, I just KNEW what my one thing had to be. Reprograming my mind on a daily basis. So over the week I’ve been waking up each day and while I’m eating breakfast. I’m writing by hand all of those thoughts, beliefs and Ideas that I want to have as a part of my life.
Its been interesting too. Some days, certain quotes speak out to me better than others. Other days, I can feel that I’m almost done with the quote and that I don’t need to remind my self anymore.
But what has been invaluable is that I have been cementing a skill that will last me a life time. Writing those quotes takes about 10 minutes. Since I’m already sitting eating breakfast, I don’t have any excuses to hid from myself anymore.
So I want to challenge you. Use that time to sit and grow, reflect and become the person your subconscious is asking for.
Growth Challenge
I want you to take all of those quotes and mantras and put them into one simple list.
Then, at some point each day, sit down for about 10 minutes and write them ALL out.
I’d love to see your answers to the challenge above. What are some of the quotes that you will be incorporating into your daily life.