I’ve been writing for a while now on how to reduce all of these unnecessary tasks and obligations that we put ourselves in. One of the things I never really thought about was how all of this impacted my sex life. This is probably impacting your sex life as well. When you’re on vacation you’re probably an amazing person who is relaxed and super sexy. Your husband is finally getting the attention he’s always craving, which is your full attention. And because of that you guys probably have a boost in your sex life. One of the ways that Facebook and unnecessary obligations is ruining our sex lives in general is that is just stressing us out. You may not feel stressed out by checking out a Facebook status. But in reality your not just checking a Facebook status once a day. your checking it 15 and 20 times an hour. That means you’re checked out and you are not paying attention to your husband. Every time you choose to play with an app or use social media or reading unnecessary blog and try and have quality time with your husband at the same time you’re going to fail.
I know this sounds a little harsh but what I’m trying to do is help you prevent or correct some bad habits we all have unknowingly created without realizing the impact. When you have open space in your calendar especially after you come home at night it is easier to have the sex life you want. Everyone sex life is going to be different. But a better version of yours awaits just around the corner.
Try this for just one week and see how much more relaxed you are and how this will boost your sex life. Remove all social media from your cell phone. You may start to freak out a little bit about doing that and say oh I have obligations or people contact me that way I can’t do this. I’m not saying don’t go on social media at all. What I’m trying to say is that you need to make it extremely hard to go on social media. If you have to type in www.facebook.com in your cell phone and log in manually every single time you want to check the status.
Although you’re not going to do it nearly as often as you would if you just had easy access to the app. Same thing goes for Twitter Instagram and any other social media app that you’re using. Another thing to do is to set some type of alarm so that you know when to start shutting down your household. Preferably this would be the time when you start closing Computers turning off lights closing up the house in general.
This Doesn’t doesn’t mean you have to go to bed. This just means you should start moving towards your bed so that you and your husband can lay together and watch TV. Or you can do some other activities of your choice. But trying to cram in a healthy sex life at 12:45 a.m. When you’re both exhausted is just not going to work or be extremely pleasurable. What you’re trying to emulate is a schedule that you generally gravitate to when you’re on vacation. This might not be easy if you have kids. But it is completely possible. This might mean you have to enforce bedtime a little bit stricter than you’re used to. And I’m focusing on you at this point when you are enforcing a bedtime. If your kids are used to going to bed whenever they want and they are not teenagers it is pretty easy to correct this. Set a bedtime and have them in their room at the bed time. They may want in or they may cry and will not understand why you’re enforcing a bedtime when you never did in the past.
But you not going to have the sex life you want if your kids are up and running around the house and you need to watch them. If you can try get your kids in bed by 9 p.m. Or 10 p.m.. Also try to use that time frame as the time that you’re shutting down your house. If you used to going to bed at midnight anyway then that’s giving you two hours of quality time with your husband. Use this time to try to do only one thing together. Like I said this could be something as simple as sitting in your back patio and having conversations. It can be little things like watching movies or a favorite TV show of yours or playing a game like checkers, just not on your phone. Try and engage in relaxing activities together. Or you both could be trying out a new sex position.
Whatever floats your boat. By removing a bunch of little distractions you’re going to have a better more relaxing deposition. Which makes you more sexy. I’m going to repeat this because it’s extremely important. The more you focus on removing redundant and unimportant distraction like social media out of your life the more relaxed you will be. The more relaxed you are the more you are encouraging an amazing life. The more your encouraging an amazing life the easier it is to boost your sex life to match the rest of your life. Kinda hard to get into the mood on demand. Do your self and your husband a favor and turn off your phone.