Margaret Stevens

Do you believe that your skills follow you, or the job? It amazed me the responses I’ve gotten.

Conversations how skills didn’t translate well between jobs. Ideas and mindsets that the collection of loose skills didn’t add up to anything worth getting paid for. 

There was this sense of always having to start over again. From the ground up, since there was no clear way to bring the talent and life experience gained with you.

Which would lead to staying stuck and not starting that side hustle. Because it wasnt possible to make money any other way.

The sad part was that I was, in a sense, right there too.

I couldn’t see how my skills would make me money. It wasnt like I didn’t get paid in the past for side hustles or consulting. But I didn’t believe that I could charge appropriately for my work. It felt too messy to try and take those skills and turn them into cash.

Then I had to do a pitch deck and in less than 10 slides say why I was amazing, with proof. Going through that exercise changed my mind and opened my eyes.

Now, I’m clear on what it cost’s to hire me. I’m clear on the transformation and clarity I can bring to any customer or job. I’m clear on my skill set that makes ME shine. Most of all.

I’m clear on how my skills follow me and make me money. 

Listen to the episode… shift your mindset.. Grab the recommended journal prompt below.
You won’t regret it.


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