Are you tired of creating goals that never really seem to come true.
Raise your hand if you’ve gotten all excited for a good new years resolution. Bought the journals, pens and fancy books.
Started out strong. Maybe even made it through the January crunch. Only to wake up in September, look back and have accomplished only 1/10 of what you set to do.
I was tired of scrambling at the end of the year trying to achieve goals that I should have been working on all year.
Last year was different for me. I was able to:
- Hit my sales goal in both my podcast company & my day job
- Outsource some work for my website
- Pay for several acres of irrigation for our Palm Tree Farm without stopping our normal spending
- Go on 3 different vacations with Ben
- Hit our savings goal… then created another savings account for home renovations
Instead of trying to juggle so many goals and feeling like a failure. And ending up with about 6 new fancy journals and only a bit of writing in each and nothing truly accomplished. I created a big picture habit tracker lets you get clear on your goals.
It has room for both mini goals and year long goals. That way you can see what your trying to achieve. Which means you know where to spend your time, and what to say no to.
No more shiny object syndrome.
This weeks episode walks you through the mindset shift I use to rack up successes all year long. Plus some real life examples that I mentioned above.
Listen to the podcast, use the tracker and create goals that let you thrive this year.
Grab the habit tracker here 👇🏼