I finally got my voice back. Thank god lol.
There last few a weeks have been challenging. I had a my third cold in as many months. And this last one was so bad, that it forced me to take a few days off work because I lost my voice, little mermaid style.
Now, if you know anything about me, I love a down day like the rest of us. But to completely stop everything except for the basics for a few weeks, is just crazy hard for me.
I love to work. I love to show up and make money. I love to talk.
My water rowing machine is my vibe. And when my body forced me to stop and rest, well I didn’t take it well.
I’ve been trying to more aware when my body forces me to pause. My mindset shift is this, instead of looking at this as something that’s in my way and needs to be overcome. Instead, it’s the perfect time to pay attention to what’s not working and fix it. That has been part of my latest evolution with money.
Before money didn’t feel safe to me, so I would spend it as fast as I made it.
I would pre-pay bills and pay off debts that we had even though it wasnt the right move. While those actions felt like I was doing the right thing. Those decisions would end up putting us back in debt because I still spent more than we had.
Then, a few years ago I make it a point to become comfortable earning more money. To let elevating into overflow and having enough to truly save become my new identity.
The downfall then shifted from spending everything we had and putting us into debt. To be afraid to spend any money because if I didn’t hold on to it, then it would again disappear.
This was another version of making money not feeling safe. Once I was consciousness of that pattern. I vowed to change that bad pattern, the last few years I’ve been focusing on becoming the wealthy women.
Part of that evolution meant hiring Amanda to teach me what I didn’t know about money. I loved her earlier courses and knew that her money deep dive is what I needed to fast track out of self sabotaging .
So why am I sharing my latest money mindsets and shift patterns? Because I believe that being transparent with my journey helps both of us. It helps me see how far I’ve come. Especially on the days that I just want to stay in bed and already be a real-estate module with 10 Air B&B houses. LOL
But, it shows you too that these lessons don’t have to be learned alone. They don’t have to take forever. It’s always smart to hire someone to teach you what you don’t know. But, most importantly there is no shame in asking for help. Or getting the gentle nudge to do a refresher on money principles when it’s time for that next level of growth.