Margaret Stevens

Today we are going to go into the nerdy and abundant world of templates. Now most people don’t get as excited as I do when it comes to creating a template. But they don’t know what they are missing out on. lol I’m obsessed about them.

Templates to me, are a gateway to abundance. They help me focus on what I want to call in, faster than is realistic. Then scale up that success to collapse time.

I do want to point out something that is obvious to me, but maybe not to you. A journal prompt is where we go to dive deeper into our thought process on a topic. Its how we clear limiting beliefs and things holding us back. Is where we do the foundational work.

A template is where we go to grow, expand and duplicate existing success on a topic. It’s what we use to outsource the thing we don’t want to do anymore, but still want them done in a certain way. Its how we conserve our precious brain space for things that actually matter.

Ok now that we have the boring tech stuff out of the way. The entire intention of todays episode is to stop feeling overwhelm. Most of us, stumble upon something that works. A workout routine, a dinner plan, a template to use for our money.

But instead of recognizing that we are on to something that is working and stop to take note of that success. It gets lost in the minutia of our lives.

Instead, I would encourage you to take 30 minutes to get started, you won’t regret it! But make sure that whatever system your using can be used anywhere, anytime. Take the time to sit down and write out a template of where life is going really well.

It will help you show up, be consistent and make things easier that make your life less stressful. It will help you duplicate the things that are working.

I cant wait for you to dive into todays episode. I’d love to hear how you are implementing the journal prompts into your day to day.

Or where you are when you are listening to the podcast episode. You can tag me on all the socials or drop a comment in the Etsy store.

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