Over the last few weeks one of my slow burning obsession’s has been how we sabotage our selves. It’s both fascinating and a little bit sad that with all of the information at our fingers. That we still make things harder then they need to be. That we still struggle unnecessarily. That we don’t find the teachers or resources to move forward in life faster.
One of my most current ways of sabotaging was because I had an ugly website. And I fought being on social media like it was the devil. Because I do like having control over my website and brand, I could have easily found a website template that was easy to use and updated my site years ago.
Instead I choose to put on my blinders and struggle hard. To have a site that make it a nightmare to update or create new sales pages. Then to top that all off, I was so caught up on how other people were telling me to use social media that I scared my self out of the market. It impossible to say how those two simple, but impactful blocks, held me back. But I know that there was never any reason to struggle to begin with.
Its crazy to think that I would fight the very tools that most people use to make it easier to get there message across. But that was me. So with out even realizing it. I shut down opportunities because I didn’t like what my site said about me. I would talk about course ideas or things I wanted to create. But never actually created the. I shut down ways that people could find the podcast because I was afraid to post online.
I was afraid that i couldn’t handle more. Which was the fastest way to NOT reach all my goals and desires that I constantly pray for. I was sabotaging my future self. When we are creating goals and sending out prayers for the things we are calling in. That’s our future self. Why not make is easier to get there?
In todays episode, I go over the most common ways that we are sabotaging our future selves. The ways that we make things harder than they need to be because we are afraid. The way that we glorify the struggle because its what everyone else is doing. Instead of embracing the next steps to bloom into the person we are wanting to be.
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
- Buy the Journal Prompts
- EP 18: Learning to care for your future self.
- EP 60: All roads lead to…
- Check it out on YouTube
- Binge the Archives