We are all either being influenced or influencing others. Scary right? Its so easy to go on our day and not realize that what we do, what we say and who we are has power.
I know that the last few episodes have been focusing on cleaning up our own metaphysical and emotional sides of the street. But, one area we haven’t talked about was what to do with all of the inputs that are coming our way.
The company culture, that you really don’t like, but didn’t know you started adopting. The way you treat your self in certain areas. The way you seem to keep having to “relearn” the same lesson over and over again. Its so easy to not see what is lending a hand to our bad habits.
My belief is that bad habits are just areas we don’t have a strong “muscle” in. Just like with any muscle, with a bit of working out, that too can be fixed.
More so, if we look at the bigger picture. Everything we do is influencing others as well. Both our good and bad habits are our silent megaphones as to what we feel is ok. What we are willing to put up with in life and what our standards look like.
So, instead of just letting these habits fester. Todays episode is how I teach you to identify the bad habit, and then shift it so that you can replace it something you actually choose.
That way what you are silently prompting is something that you can stand behind. Not the residue of someone else choices.
Links Mentioned In This Episode: