Burnout can be a sneaky thing. For me, I have gone through deep, soul sucking burn out two times in the last 10 years. A burn out so deep that it took all my energy to get up and just show up for work.
Even that level of showing up was more body than soul. And it got so bad that during both burn outs it took me months to fully recover back to my bubbly self.
But as I started to feel burn out #3 kicking in, I read this quote in a romance novel. It basically said that its not the survival of the fittest, but instead survival of who adapts. Which of of course got me thinking.
What if burnout wasnt required? Crazy, I know right.
Instead, what if it was my body’s way of telling me that I wasnt adapting to my new reality. Which of course got me upset and wanting to play the martyr. That I was just not getting support, and that burnout is what everyone goes through.
When I started recognizing that is what my belief was. It got me to stop and start writing a new belief system.
Im not longer available for burnout. Instead, when things get tough, overwhelming or too much to handle. I adapt.
So in todays episode, I take you in the series out questions that I used to recognize where I was at. AKA beginning burn out stage and lead you to the other end. An off ramp away from crazy burnout ville. Again, burnout is not required.
Plus I give you a pretty funny version of the tortoise and the hare story, with my own spin on it.