Do you ever turn down a tip or compliment? Do you ever downplay your abilities, or try and make sure that “everyone” gets the credit. Even though you did 80% of the work. If your not comfortable getting recognized, then your probably doing this with money too.
Its so easy to not see how these small actions are holding you back.
Todays episode walks you through the most common mistake we make trying to bring in more income.
Where are you not sharing your links for the products your selling? Where are you adding unnecessary steps for your customers to buy and follow you? How are you underplaying your successes at your day job?
How/why are you adding unnecessary friction so that there is something to hide behind. Which then reconfirms that you cant get paid more. Or even worst, that its hard to make more money.
If its not hard, then you didnt deserve it. That you can only get rewarded once you have worked or strived hard enough.
These are just some of the unconscious ways we make it hard for people to pay us.
All of these seemingly little actions are both your body and minds conscious and unconscious ways to turn away money. Most of the time we do things to sabotage money because it doesn’t feel safe.
If money doesn’t feel completely safe to you, then check out the resources to see which money course I recommend to start reprograming your brain. Once money feels safe, then its time to start removing the road blocks.
Its time to simplify the ways money can make it into your life. Its time to embrace any form of “automation” when it comes to making money. To take away the stigmatism that making money has to always be hard and take all this time. Its time to embrace abundance.

Resources Mentioned in this episode
- Course – Betting one me
- Course – Becoming the Wealthy Woman
- Course – Elevate into overflow/Drop your money struggle
- Book – Rich as fuck