I felt like there was a block for this episode. I couldn’t seem to get into the groove for this one. I was struggling with my topic. While at the same time I was feeling a bit of mental fog. Which is crazy when you think about it. I have no problem talking and I always feel that each episode is divinely called in from above.
But yet, the fog persisted, both around this podcast episode and our income. I have been super clear for months now that I am going to show up, be willing to see and do things differently, and help our family double our income. But it was as if the steps were not coming to me.
I knew that logically I would have to add in additional income streams to our life that were not dependent on us being present to make this happen. I knew that I wanted to create merch and more courses this year to get all of these ideas out of my and my muses head. But it still felt like I was being held back.
That’s when I realized that I needed to just keep cleaning. Cleaning has always been a therapeutic method that I have used to process what’s going on. So during my last cleaning session. ( I spent 3+ hours organizing papers!!!) I had my AH HA moment.
All this cleaning was literally clearing the path way toward the new abundance I was calling in. In this episode I give you 2 big examples of what it looks like when you have called in abundance, but your body/life isn’t ready to receive it yet.
Plus, we revisit my favorite, the universe café. And how to properly ask for what you want and make room for the things that you do want to show up.