Margaret Stevens

Love is everything to me. Its a part of my foundation. Its required in my daily life. Its what fuels me during the good and bad.

If you had asked me years ago, why I kept all these memories of our life. I would have told you for our future kids. But the reality is that each birthday card, photo, video or memento is a way for me to walk back in time.

Its my version of a memory palace and can instantly transport me into that wonderful memory. It can help me relive the love.

Needless to say Archiving Love is a foundational course for me. Its more than just storing photos and videos easily.

It the only way I can listen to my grandmothers voice on a voice mail I saved from her. It a watch that can tell me the time. But also bring back the late night car ride home conversations that I had with my madrina (godmother) before she passed.

It’s a photo of me and one of my babies when I was sixteen years old and seeing if I could get Angel to climb a wall on photo.

These memories mean everything to me. Archiving them is like being able to preserve parts of my soul. I am who I am because of my experiences and the love that is abundant in my life.

I will always be forever grateful that I had the foresight to preserve these memories. My desire is to help you do the same.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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