Todays episodes is all about limitless possibilities. This is the perfect second to last episode to close out 2021. Instead of doing the traditional vision board party. I wanted to end this year with a deep dive into what has held you back this year.
Was it lack of resources? Lack of time or money to grow? Or was it fear that you were growing too big, too fast and it caused you to pull back on your dreams?
Not, so random farmer wisdom. Did you know that plants, when living in too small of a container will do one of two things. They will either become root bound and literally curl themselves into a ball to fit the “container” they are in. Or they will bust through the walls that are holding them back and grow as big as they want.
Our desires and limiting beliefs are the same thing. We can either be “root bound” and curl back into ourselves to stay small. To fit into the crowd or normal that surround us. To not rock the boat.
Or we can lean into the beliefs that limitless possibilities are out there. And, maybe we don’t even need a container anymore to fit into. That maybe its safer to never fit back into a container again. Instead to grow as big as we want, as fast as we want.
Nature is one of my favorite teachers. Both scenarios above are true. I currently dealing with that on the farm. About half of our plants need to be massively up potted because they are busting out of there current homes. While the other half are content to sit there and not grow.
Take todays episode and journal prompts and use it as a way to stop holding yourself back. Your futures self will thank you.