Its so easy to feel that your in a fog. That your stuck and not moving fast enough. To get frustrated that your dream is still out of reach. Or even worse, you keep doing things but they never seem to be the things that move you forward in life.
You talk about the goal and the five year plan. You get all excited that this weekend is going to be the ONE. You will magically have enough time and even be able to BEND time to get everything that you want done.
Then the weekend comes and you realize that you have been burning it at both ends. So you end up sleeping more that you realized. Which leaves you feeling refreshed, but still frustrated since sleep didn’t help your todo list shrink.
Hell, you create content and things and stuff. But you never seem to bring in money. You might even have a PayPal button up or too. But something keeps sabotaging you from going from idea to income. Yes, you follow other people on Instagram or Facebook, and they inspire you. But they also leave you feeling like something is wrong. That if they can do it, what’s wrong with you?
Why does it feel like your in quicksand and no one else is? What are they doing that you are not?
This feeling was perfect timing, because the night I recorded the podcast, I was feeling stuck as hell. That’s why I wanted to take you into the heart of my practice of what I do when I feel stuck. I was frustrated that my dream had hit a wall. I couldn’t feel that next level. It was to blurry and messy feeling.
Which frustrated the hell out of me because I could easily feel into my next income level and knew that I was open and ready for more. But instead of staying in that energy and vibe, I moved my self out of it. I only was “stuck” for about 2 hours, not days or even weeks as my life went by.
Just like everything I do, I truly believe that there is a physical and spiritual practice to moving energy. Its the other side of manifesting. You need to see it and feel it, to bring it into realty.
That’s why todays episode even includes 2 different meditations that I use to clear energy from my body and my home. No sage or crystals required. Use the journal prompts, clear the space, bring the new desires into reality.

Resources Mentioned in this episode
- Kevin Harts book – The Decision: Overcoming Today’s BS for Tomorrow’s Success
- $1,000 a month club waitlist
- Collapse time podcast episode
- Outsourcing podcast episode