Have you ever felt that desperate, sticky energy when you were trying to manifest something you wanted?
You would start out feeling so hopeful and excited. Then after a few hours, weeks, months, when things were going slower than you wanted. You would start getting into your head.
Once you were in your head, its so much harder to get back to that excited and clear energy of what your trying to achieve. If you were able to get back out of your head, then it would be like a vicious circle.
Hopeful, excited, nervous, looking for validation, fear, then start the journey all over again.
There is a next level way to manifest things into your life. But just like with anything else, its a muscle that you need to build. It’s not that this muscle takes a certain amount of time to get strong.
Instead it’s all about how often you use this muscle. Just like a pro athlete, the more you work and focus, the faster the results come.
The secret? You have to pay attention to the push and pull of desire.
Desire is one of the easiest ways to get a clear picture of what you want and what you don’t want. It can be little things, like how your body reacts to something. Or it can be that secret wish list that keeps going in in the back of your head.
Getting next level clear is the name of the game. You have to be clear on what is being pushed or pulled out of you. Because if not, then your results will be mixed, frustrated and messy. The universe wont know how to show up and give you want you want.
In todays episode I give you two super clear and somewhat funny examples how to collapse time faster. Plus practical action steps to get back on track and manifest faster.

Resources Mentioned in this episode
- EP 18: Future self episode
- EP 9: How to collapse time to get what you want. (Birthday edition)
- EP 43: Becoming the lighthouse