Margaret Stevens

Do you feel frustrated that you keep grinding and doing all these “things” but your not getting the results that you want. You keep journaling and leaning into the feeling of where you want to be. You keep showing up and affirming to the universe that THIS is where you want to be. THIS is where you desire to transform your life to reflect.

And, everyone tells you to go do the work. To take action or just hustle harder. To work longer hours, because that’s what it takes to be successful. Its all about grit.

But you secretly don’t either know what that is. Heck, you dont even know what doing the work means.
You can talk about all these woo woo words and statements. But, if you had to pitch your idea to a friend or business partner, they would look at you like your crazy. They cant understand what your actually doing.

Worst yet, you have this sinking feeling that your doing all the wrong thing. So you just keep doing the busy work, so that at least your doing something.

In this episode I go over 3 different type of examples (work, personal, side hustle ) that you can use to shift. Plus an example of a girl starting a knitting business. I help take that feeling that you are chasing and turn it into actual actionable steps. Make sure to listen to Susan’s story, its pretty epic.

Of course there are journal prompts to help you take your own experience and turn it into change too. Stop doing the busy work and start doing the work that moves you forward in life.

Journal Prompts

  1. What is the true end goal?
  2. What are the things that the goal needs to “live and breath”?
  3. what needs to be outsourced and why?

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