Margaret Stevens

Have you noticed lately that you keep running into the same mistakes as you did in the past? That you keep creating the same money and time issues? Does it feel a little bit like ground hogs day?

Are you as tired of not making progress on that goal, because it feels like you keep starting from the beginning. Which you are so over doing. You signed up for growth in this life, not standing still.

In todays episode, I dive into how to identify what is keeping you from hitting that next level of success. Plus, the real reason why we abandon the tools that made us successful in the first place.

I walk you though examples of how to get your weight, money and ability to outsource back on track. This episode also builds on my previous one on outsourcing too. That way you can grow your success over and over again, instead of starting from scratch.

I even walk you through how to overcome your own ego. How standing up yourself isn’t bad, and show you how to do it with love. This episode is filled with timeless principles and I cant wait for you to dive in.

Journal Prompts

  1. What cycles do you keep repeating?
  2. What is the action that you keep repeating for that cycle?
  3. What would it look like if you did things that aligned with your end goal, even if that scared you?
  4. How can you get out of your own way?
  5. Why are you doing all this in the first place?

Book – Rich as Fuck

Book – The Desire Map

Course – Drop your Money Struggle

Ep 32: How delegating makes you more money

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