Becoming a wealthy woman. Not playing small anymore. No longer being afraid to go after what I desire and knowing that any failure along the way is worth it in the long run. Wealthy woman vibes… That’s been my goal for years. Now, when I say goal. I mean like super deep desire before it ever was a core belief.
I have always been obsessed with money and how it influences our lives. I still have memories of being 15 and reading the Complete Tightwad Gazette . ( It was a 5 inch thick book that taught you everything about how to spend less and stretch you dollar.)
But regardless of how I budgeted our money or how many lamps I unplugged in the house to save on electricity. (Something that drove ben NUTS). I still had a hidden longing to have more than enough.
Like more money than I new what to do with. I don’t know if any of you remember scrooge mcduck and him swimming in money from the cartoons as a kid. But, yea, that was my desire.
Then I had the even crazier idea to GO LIVE… Now if you have listened to any of my shows, you know Im a big introvert. So to have the desire to livestream my podcast, well that was earth shattering.
But that feeling wouldn’t go away. Trust me, I tired ignoring it. But it was like a whisper in the back of my brain. Maggie – you need to trust. Showing up in all areas is required in all areas to become that next level wealthy woman.
So Here I am. Showing up. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Ive missed hosting my podcast and I’ve deeply missed my work. So what better topic to bring back then to start off with a bang and talk about becoming the wealthy woman.
So when Amanda Frances came out with a course called Wealthy Woman. I knew the rest was history. I even have a goal to make so much money that I can move past taking her courses and go to 1:1 group coaching with her.
>>Wealthy Woman Vibe<<
Ill go into my belief around who she is in the podcast more. But know that for me:
- she is able to take care of her family emotionally and financially
- she doesn’t cap her income
- she has more than enough money for all her desires.
- she is wealthy and carefree.
- she has her credit cards paid off all year long
- she has enough money to put into savings and also have a vacation fund. Not choose one or the other.
>> I always call in the right teacher to help me get to my goals faster<<
- Where does money not make you feel safe?
- What does being wealthy means what to you?
- Observe where you are not in alignment and see how you can disprove the lie