Today’s podcast episode goes into the nitty gritty of How I elevated into overflow. And yes, I teared up a bit sharing my story. I knew that I was capable of so much more than I give myself credit for. I was here to create, to share my gifts with the world, and to make a damn fine living in the process.
But my mindset around money was messy. I was a hard worker, but could never KEEP any of it. I was always end up with a big bill or expense that would wipe us back out to scratch.
I’ve talked about how Ben was always the person who got us out of jams. But I was tired of always putting the pressure on him. I couldn’t weld or do side hustles like him. My ebay and craigslist game back in the day was weak. But what I alway felt more comfortable with was earning around a traditional 9-5 job. So I worked my ass off to change my mindset that I could get better paying jobs. That I could get side gigs that would pay me well.
I knew that I was my biggest obstacle, I was done with holding myself back. Taking Amanda’s course helped me realize that I had some pretty low standards when it came to money. I always felt that I couldn’t handle it properly. So I change my mindset. My mantra for that last 3 years has been.
>> I’m great with money, and what I don’t know, I hire someone to teach me.<<
Thats where Amanda came in. Here videos, which I truly do STILL play over and over. They helped me recognize my limiting beliefs around money. They gave me amazing journal prompts to see what what holding me back and helped TEACH ME how to fix them. They also helped me understand what my energetic minimums and maximums are.
But more so than anything. She gave me the TOOLS so that I could fix my money beliefs and use them to always grow my income. The tools that I was using 3+ year ago, are still the same tools that I use today. The only difference is that the numbers have changed. I still set unrealistic goals around money. But now I have the tools to actually take action, get out of my own way and turn my goals into hard cash.
Could I have change my money mindset without these videos? Sure. But it would have taken, like 5x a long and caused a lot of heartache in the process. When we want to lose weight, we go to the gym. When we want to further our career, we get certifications or go to school. When we need a procedure done, we go to a doctor. When we want to buy food, we go to the grocery. All over our lives we are constantly paying people to do things we cant or wont do.
I don’t believe it has to be different when it comes to money. I was ready and willing to see things differently and make more money than I knew what to do with. So I “hired” Amanda as my money coach through her videos. They truly changed my life for the better.