I’ve talked about my favorite question a few times. What would this look like if it was easy? Well in today’s episode I’m going to take you to the next level of that question.
Am I sabotaging the support and income opportunities that’s currently trying to come into my life?
You might be wondering why I’m talking about support and income when I’m trying to make your life easier? Well, when most of us move over to our next level we start to hit that magical upper limit of success ceiling. For some people, it’s all about being the only person that can do it all. And, therefore never taking any help.
For others, it can be that we make things super messy when it comes to earning extra income. But both ways of sabotaging comes down to one simple thing. We don’t believe it can be easy and that we have to struggle. So since we’re used to struggling, we find a new way to make our life hard again.
Today episode goes even future into that mindset and how to get out of your own way. Along with the journal prompts below to help you change your mindset faster and make things less messy.