Have you ever had a few weeks or even a month when everything is going AMAZING? Your job is on point, your bills are right where you expect them to be. You have more than enough time for friends and family. Most of all you have enough time for yourself too.
You’re on top of the world and then you start thinking that this is not possible to maintain. That life can’t always be this good. There always has to be friction and stress and frustration in your life.
Well outside of a crazy family emergency, your daily life is your choice. What most people don’t understand is that they have just created some bad habits. They don’t know or even expect to maintain their current levels of success.
In reality it’s 100% possible to maintain new levels of success and freedom. As long as you do two things. Identify what’s working and make an action plan to fix what’s not. It really can be that simple.
In this episode I go over how to identify when you have reached a new level of success. What it looks like to maintain both the new mental and physical. How to outsource or eliminate the old habits that don’t serve you anymore.