Margaret Stevens

Sure self-care is hot right now. But self-care and loving yourself are not the same thing. As frustrating as it is to see another 50 ideas of self-care. There is some truth to it.

Most women are not taking care of themselves. Let along putting themselves as a priority. Which gets me slightly crazy, because what we mimic and show to the world is what we value. Its also just really bad habits that we are showing our kids. Why would we want them to mimic us in our constantly frazzled state?

In this episode I dive deep into the difference between loving your self and self-care. I help you identifying gaps in both worlds, along with healthy boundaries.

This episode has crazy amounts of examples can help you understand the difference. I also want to encourage you to start having this conversation with your girlfriends and family.

Don’t let this stop with you. Teach your sons, daughters, and spouses that we ALL should be prioritizing ourselves. That when we are recharged on a consistent basis that we are able to tap into our superpower way more often. Instead of existing between burnouts.

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