Have you ever been asked what your non-negotiables were? I have. The worst part was that I couldn’t give you any really good ones. What was even worse than not having an answer was that I kept confusing my boundaries with my non-negotiables.
They were the same thing. Right? Instead of taking the time to sit down and discover my non-negotiables, which were different from my boundaries. I kept flailing around, wasting time and energy on defending my wishy-washy beliefs. Then getting mad when they were not honored by others. Regardless that I couldn’t honor them myself.
In this episode I go over the difference between a boundary and a non-negotiable. I know that giving 2 different sets of examples for both home and work will help shift you in the right direction.
When you are going over and writing out the journal prompts, don’t forget to focus on what’s going to move you forward in life. Your future self will thank you.