As, I promised a few weeks ago. I have been creating a podcast for you. It will be diving deep into how I have cleared clutter, both mentally and physically. In my own life i’ve been craving more space and more time.
I’ve been lucky over the years to have come across some amazing resources, but was super sad that they just didn’t seem to be that popular.
Instead everyone was so worried about hustling more and staying up 24/7. I have been there and done that. I had hustled myself until I got sick and still went into work. I have pulled 18 hour days and busted my ass.
But what the “hustlers” don’t tell you is that its not sustainable. Sure, we all need to dig deep and pull a big day now and then. But this should not be the norm.
They also don’t ever mention the toll that it takes on your family or your body. Its a single minded metric that is just broken.
Affirmation: My worth is not tied to my work ethic.
So instead of giving you more content to make you feel like your not enough, here is content that will help you get the important things done.
So that you can do what you really want to. Reclaim your time, spend more time with your family, and do more of what lights you up.
The podcast link is below and I would love it if you shared this with another woman that you care about.
Gems in the Episode
- How to clear clutter from your life and make room for success.
- The importance of asking the right questions for personal growth.
- Strategies to overcome the societal expectations placed on women.
- Empowerment to strive, hustle, and succeed without burnout.
- Practical tips to transform your life and career.
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
- Ready to stay inspired and receive exclusive insights? Get access to empowering tips, behind-the-scenes stories, and transformative strategies delivered straight to your inbox.
- www.margaretstevens.co/subscribe/
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Welcome to the official first episode of the podcast Clearing The Clutter. So if you are a longtime listener, you will know that this episode is actually different than the original. I got about ten episodes deep in recording and then I accidentally deleted about eight of my previous episodes. So here I am, going back and persevering to rerecord them. I like to think of it as the universe was like, you can do better, come on, let’s do it again. So instead of freaking out or just not doing it all together, I am actually going to rerecord all the episodes. So if this is the first time you’re hearing this, well, then you get to hear it fresh from round two.
If you are going back in the episodes, I just hope to give you the same amount of amazing passion and you just get to hear a slightly different version of what I recorded the first time. So let’s get to it. The reason why I created this podcast is because I believe that as a society and as women, we are not having the proper conversations and we’re not asking each other the right questions. So what do I mean by that? We are as a group, we are getting stronger, we are getting better, we are negotiating better, we are getting raises.
We are getting more and more and more of what we want, but we’re bringing along unintendedly, we’re bringing along baggage with us. So Clear The Clutter is my way to contribute to the working woman and actually give you different little tidbits of things to think about so that, yes, you can go ahead and strive, yes, you can go ahead and hustle, which I’ll get into hustle in a minute. Yes, you can go ahead and get the things that you want, but you’re not going to bring along the baggage with you. Because if all you’re doing is striving and quote unquote, hustling and you never actually pay attention to the things you bring along, the hustling journey, well, then it can become really overwhelming. And it’s kind of a recipe for nervous breakdowns or depression or some serious issues down the road.
Because the society that we are growing into and becoming more of an equal voice in has not been designed to rest or to mimic the woman’s body. So Clearing The Clutter, which sounds very wooby, but Clearing The Clutter’s podcast is here to ask you really amazing questions so that you can look at your own life and you can say, hey, this is working, this is not how do I get whatever isn’t working to the next level? So it’s also a podcast about looking at the minutiae in our life and I will reference the Minutiae and a couple of other things probably every single episode. So the Minutiae in our life, let’s give you a definition on what I mean by that. It is all the things that we do that are slightly annoying or frustrating, but we still continue to do them.
And when I say annoying or frustrating so let me give you an example. It can mean that it is slightly or annoying and frustrating that you do the laundry every weekend and you feel like you’re constantly doing laundry on weekends instead of actually spending time either with your family, whether it’s human family or furry family or spending time with your friends or doing things that you want to do. So it’s not something that is, oh my God, the world’s on fire, like shit’s going down. It’s the little stuff that just kind of drains our energy and takes up our time, but it isn’t really like a good use of our time. Yes, I all know that we have to have clean laundry. Trust me, I like clean laundry and skivvies as an ex person.
But at the same time, let’s look at those types of things in our life and say, okay, well, what would this look like if it was easy? And I will have an entire podcast dedicated to that topic. So I’m just giving you little hints of what is to come. But when we look at our life, clearing the Minutiae is clearing the clutter. So that is the equivalent of looking and self auditing and going, okay, well, what do I want to keep in my life? What is working? What do I not want to keep in my life? And also I am going to be giving you practical advice that I have gotten from other mentors and other high level programs that I’ve gone through because it’s made a difference in how I run things. I’m just here to serve.
I’m here to get you out of the Minutiae, get you out of doing a bunch of the bullshitty things that we are all expected as women to do. Because I think the amount of things that we as women are expected to do is just insane. And I’m here to help you ask better questions in your life because I’ve always noticed this if you ask really great questions, you can get amazing answers and results. If you are just thinking in a closed minded manner, like not asking really great questions, kind of asking closed loop, redundant questions, you’re not going to get anywhere. And this podcast is not going to be attracting people that don’t want to get anywhere. This podcast, I already know this because again, I’m recording some of these episodes.
This podcast is reaching out to women that they have goals, they have dreams, they have desires, and they’re ready to actually live them. They don’t want to just live them through you. The person that is listening to me right now. You don’t want to live them just through Pinterest. You love pinterest. You use it as a way to visualize and dream. But instead of just pinning about the next vacation that you haven’t taken and mind you probably haven’t taken a vacation in years, or if you did, it hasn’t been the Pinterest vacation you dreamed about, instead of looking at, hey, how can I get really badass vacations in my life? Instead of asking those open ended conversations, how can I do this to make it be easy? How can I budget it so it’s easy?
How can I plan my PTO or my business time so it is easy? How does all of this function? The closed minded questions would be like, oh, well, I need to take a vacation, but going to Paris is too expensive. Now, mind you, that is on my Pinterest dream board and in the next two years, I will figure out how to go to Paris. I can’t answer that. But it comes back to asking really great questions of each other and holding each other in a supportive way, accountable. We are creating the next generations of not only children, but we’re creating the next generations of expectations of how people can treat us as women.
And I’m going on a slight women tangent, but the reason why I’m doing that is because the reason why we have so much clutter in our life is because there’s still this bullshit reason that, oh, we should just or expectation that we should handle a lot of the things that are in part of our life. So we should handle the cooking and the cleaning, the paying of the bills, the organizing the school lunches, and the this and the this. And I can rattle on taking the animals to the vet, making sure they get their shots on time like I can rattle off a gazillion different things. But I want to challenge you. Why? Why is it okay that only one side, whether you’re in a male female relationship, a male relationship, a female, I don’t care.
Why is it okay that only one side is responsible for this? And why aren’t we doing more of a 60 40 flow? So, like, sometimes one partner or spouse will be doing 60% of the work and then the other time they’ll be doing 40% of the work because it constantly shifts. So clearing the clutter is clearing the bullshit and the lack mentality around our lives so that we can again do the things we want to do. Spend the time with the people we want to spend time with. Go. On the vacations we want to go on and actually create a life that we can go at the end of the day when we all go and pass away. Damn. What? That was a good run. That is my goal for you.
For you to look back and go wow, that was a really great run. I can die happy now versus shit that sucked or God damn it, I didn’t get everything done. And the only way you’re going to get to there and not die in a goddamn it manner is clearing out the clutter in your life because we don’t know how much time we have on this earth. You may have a year, and you may not know it until you hit your hundreds. No one knows. But if we’re focusing on the small stuff, if we’re focusing constantly on the laundry and the dishes and the caring for other people when they could be caring or helping care for themselves, we’re never going to get there. So I hope you enjoy this podcast.
I hope you can bear with me in my rants, because my rants are fueled from love. So anything I go on a rant and say it is because I have been there. I have lived it. And I just care so much about getting you into a better space so that you can have a better life and you can spend the time doing things you really want to do versus just spending it on the minutiae. So I hope you enjoy this podcast, and I will see you in the next episode.
Have a burning question for me? Want that link I was talking about? Get access to all the resources and links that were mentioned in this episode and others over at Margaretsevens Co.