Margaret Stevens

For any pet owner it is really hard to deal with the loss of a pet. My husband and I just lost our 12 year old grayhound this past Wednesday and it was heart wrenching to put him down. One thing that can help make the pain a little easier is to have a lot of memories. I was able to use the day after his death to go through a ton of photos and videos of him. It was amazing and made me really happy that i could still “see” him when ever I wanted. I have this one special video of him that is almost ten minutes long, where he is playing with my husband and I. I was able to capture his happy expressions and personality completely.  Knowing that I can pull up this video where ever I am at makes me smile and help to ease the pain, just a bit.
  • Take Pictures – Take as many pictures as you can. It doesn’t matter that the pictures are not professional grade. Take action shots of how you pet interacted with you and your family. These are the memories that will be important to you.
  • Take Videos – Pictures are great. But videos are where you can capture the essence of your pet. Take a video of you and your family interacting with your pet. It helps to remember them exactly how they were. Try and include videos of them making their signature sounds. Wither its barking, “talking” or huffing. These memories are priceless after their passing.
  • Store Wisely – I take all my pictures, videos and other documentation and store it in drop box. I cannot tell you how many times it has saved my ass, when my electronic unexpectedly failed. Dropbox even has settings so that your phone or other devices automatically back up all pictures and videos into your account. So that you never have to worry about your computer crashing and losing the precious memories.
*In loving memory of Saber Stevens*
~ a Loving Friend, Always in our Heart, and in our bed~

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