Margaret Stevens

You don’t need more stuff, you really need more time.


Thanksgiving has just passed and before we blink christmas is going to be here.  Are you ready?  Right now your email, facebook and instagram accounts are full with ways to spend money buying more stuff.

Stuff for the family

Stuff for the car

Stuff for the house/Office

Stuff to help you “meet your fitness goals”

And to be honest, that shit is overwhelming as hell.


So let me be the Santa helper that gives you what you really want. More time.

Right now my personal life is going through a much needed change and purge. Im lovingly being forced to give up old beliefs on how I make money, how I spend money and what home looks like. Hell, even what my day to day life looks like. And, the best part is that i’m not freaking out. Instead, i feel so much better because all this unnecessary stuff is being removed from my life, with a little cosmic help.

Clutter is a luxury we don’t have to accommodate anymore. 

So instead of being part of the pack that sends out another useless email about how to spend more money on things you most likely don’t need. Here are my top 3 questions that i’m asking myself to keeping my calendar and brain clear this holiday season.  With of course examples to help you dive deeper and get some goodness out of the questions.  Below are my super honest answers too.


 1. What is it that you really need?

I want more uninterrupted time with Ben and my furbabies. I’m not feeling like we are spending enough time at home together lately. I need space to not feel guilty about watching KKW.  I want more calm open nights to read that really great book series i’m in the middle of.  I want to have that course’s audio uploaded to my phone to make listening on car rides more spiritual. And more slow meals. Im needing way more space to eat slowly, at home, at our dining room table. Not on the road at another restaurant like we’ve been doing lately.


2. Is there a way to accomplish that currently an option?

Yes, I put about a month hold on any new obligations. Which was hard as hell. Here is the spiritual part of that answer.  My brain, life, soul just feels like its bursting at the seams and cant process anymore. Here is the practical part of the that answer.  Thanks so much for (inviting me, offering me, asking me) to  (your house for another party, starting a new collaboration, trying a new product). But i’m all booked up for the month trying to close out the year and accomplish some last minute goals i have on my list.  If my schedule frees up, is it ok if i reach back out?   Boom- a kind, but honest answer of where my time lies.


3. What would this look like if it was easy?

Easy looks like at least one solid day a week catching up on old project that are tugging at my heart without any interruptions. Easy looks like more bubble baths and kindle time, while my furbabies all try and lay on the bathroom floor.  Easy looks like some crock pot meals and making sure the dining room table is clean and inviting to make eating their easier. Easy looks like pausing a lot more and recalibrating my day.


Clutter has become a way of life. Its a mantra of people that “hustle” and “get shit done”. But is that really making you happy?  Is all this stuff really making you light up and excited, or is it just another todo list and a way to keep you feeling overwhelmed?


In the next few weeks. I’ll be coming out with my much dreamed about podcast. Clearing out the clutter.  I have over 30 episode topics that are in the works and im putting the finishing touches on it.


This is where ill finally be teaching you how i move through all this stuff super quickly.  Because you deserve a clutter free life too that you love.

Let me know in the comments your answers to the top 3 questions or just tell me of a topic that you’d be interested in listening to.


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Calm & Spacious Mini Guide

My top 3 questions: These are the 3 deceptively simple questions I use daily to guide my decisions where to spend my time and money 

Real Examples to get you started: I give you 3 real-life examples for each question. That way you can see how I put this all in action.

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