EP 75: How to get more support by asking for what you want.
the skills follow me… not the job
the skills follow me… not the job
The new year has just started and your ready to start making progress on your goals. Your ready to start that side hustle, hit the gym, do the thing.
The new year has just started and your ready to start making progress on your goals. Your ready to start that side hustle, hit the gym, do the thing.
Do you believe that multiple realities exist? I’m not talking woo woo other time line dimensions. Im talking about the current reality that you are
The new year has just started and your ready to start making progress on your goals. Your ready to start that side hustle, hit the gym, do the thing.
Have you noticed lately that you keep running into the same mistakes as you did in the past? That you keep creating the same money and time issues? Does it feel a little bit like ground hogs day?
Maintenance gets a bad rap. We are brainwashed that its wrong and hard to maintain something we desire or crave. But, its so funny, because maintenance is how I’ve made my living for the past few years. Â We are taught that there is nothing sexy about maintaining our bodies, cars, houses or relationships.
I believe in timeless principles. I believe in doing it once, right and then moving on. I believe in the energy of overflow. But, I
Becoming a wealthy woman. Not playing small anymore. No longer being afraid to go after what I desire and knowing that any failure along the way is worth it in the long run. Wealthy woman vibes… That’s been my goal for years. Now, when I say goal. I mean like super deep desire before it ever was a core belief.
I help woman get clear on what’s holding them back and create lasting mindset shifts in under an hour.
I’m a Business & Mindset Coach. Over the past 10+ years I have poured my heart and soul into collapsing time to get where I wanted to.
I teach you to do the same. Each podcast episode, journal prompt or course is designed to take what I have learned and give you the cheat codes to get there faster.