EP 39: How to stop sabotaging your own success
Have you noticed lately that you keep running into the same mistakes as you did in the past? That you keep creating the same money and time issues? Does it feel a little bit like ground hogs day?
Have you noticed lately that you keep running into the same mistakes as you did in the past? That you keep creating the same money and time issues? Does it feel a little bit like ground hogs day?
Maintenance gets a bad rap. We are brainwashed that its wrong and hard to maintain something we desire or crave. But, its so funny, because maintenance is how I’ve made my living for the past few years. We are taught that there is nothing sexy about maintaining our bodies, cars, houses or relationships.
I believe in timeless principles. I believe in doing it once, right and then moving on. I believe in the energy of overflow. But, I
Becoming a wealthy woman. Not playing small anymore. No longer being afraid to go after what I desire and knowing that any failure along the way is worth it in the long run. Wealthy woman vibes… That’s been my goal for years. Now, when I say goal. I mean like super deep desire before it ever was a core belief.
it doesn’t matter how long you take to do some. Instead what matters is how many times you do it.
Today’s podcast episode goes into the nitty gritty of How I elevated into overflow. And yes, I teared up a bit sharing my story. I knew that I was capable of so much more than I give myself credit for. I was here to create, to share my gifts with the world, and to make a damn fine living in the process.
So that blogger that you admire from afar, she is launching and selling while afraid. That person you admire in the gym? Yup same, they started out afraid and probably didn’t know what machines to workout on to get the best bang for their buck. But what they dont admin (most of the time) is the actual steps they use to to manifest their desires WHILE being afraid.
But, I haven’t told anyone else the FULL story. Including the back story of how Ben use to bail us out of tight spots. I definitely didn’t tell anyone about how I use to Uber or cut grass to try and bring in extra money. Plus I give out the detail about my “secret launch”
Most people focus on delegating one-time tasks. That doesn’t move you forward in life. Instead, focus on delegating tasks that make you money over and over again.
What would this look like if it was easy? Well in today’s episode I’m going to take you to the next level of that question.
I help woman get clear on what’s holding them back and create lasting mindset shifts in under an hour.
I’m a Business & Mindset Coach. Over the past 10+ years I have poured my heart and soul into collapsing time to get where I wanted to.
I teach you to do the same. Each podcast episode, journal prompt or course is designed to take what I have learned and give you the cheat codes to get there faster.