EP 50: Starting Fresh
Instead of just setting some vague goal of get healthier, sleep more or make more money. Ill teach you how to identify then focus on the big picture.
Instead of just setting some vague goal of get healthier, sleep more or make more money. Ill teach you how to identify then focus on the big picture.
Love is everything to me. Its a part of my foundation. Its required in my daily life. Its what fuels me during the good and bad.
Our desires and limiting beliefs are the same thing. We can either be “root bound” and curl back into ourselves to stay small. To fit into the crowd or normal that surround us. To not rock the boat.
Or we can lean into the beliefs that limitless possibilities are out there. And, maybe we don’t even need a container anymore to fit into. That maybe its safer to never fit back into a container again. Instead to grow as big as we want, as fast as we want.
This feeling was perfect timing, because the night I recorded the podcast, I was feeling stuck as hell. That’s why I wanted to take you into the heart of my practice of what I do when I feel stuck. I was frustrated that my dream had hit a wall. I couldn’t feel that next level. It was to blurry and messy feeling.
I couldn’t sell things or “side hustle” to save my life. Like it was BAD….. So before I was ready. Ben decided that he was going to make me a selling machine and I use those skills each day now.
We were 19 & 20 when we got married. So there was a lot of growth that needed to happen fast to make this marriage healthy from the start .
There is a next level way to manifest things into your life. But just like with anything else, its a muscle that you need to build. It’s not that this muscle takes a certain amount of time to get strong.
In this episode I teach you how to say no. But with love, of course. There is a true difference between standing up for yourself and being rude. I even give you a few killer catch phrases that you can use in “almost” any example as well.
Todays podcast is all about the pivot! What the heck pivoting actually is and how to implement it in your day. I have a radical
Do you feel frustrated that you keep grinding and doing all these “things” but your not getting the results that you want. You keep journaling
I help woman get clear on what’s holding them back and create lasting mindset shifts in under an hour.
I’m a Business & Mindset Coach. Over the past 10+ years I have poured my heart and soul into collapsing time to get where I wanted to.
I teach you to do the same. Each podcast episode, journal prompt or course is designed to take what I have learned and give you the cheat codes to get there faster.