Starting fresh always gets me excited. I don’t care if its a new start because of of the time of year, or because I’ve hit my goals. There is something to be said for starting over.
Before I was aware of how intoxicating a new start was, I use to blow up my life over and over again. Or even worse, I would set these small, baby goals. That way, I could “accomplish” a ton of stuff and have bragging rights.
But just like with anything else, three is an easy and timeless way to start fresh. And then there is the messy chaos way to do that.
Its so easy to fall into the patter that most of us are doing right now. Its a new year, things are slowly getting better. So why not set some new goals.
Instead of just setting some vague goal of get healthier, sleep more or make more money. Ill teach you how to identify then focus on the big picture.
Once you can explain the big picture to me, preferably over a cup of coffee. ( So that I can hold you accountable. ) Then I’ll walk you through how to identify the feeling that your chasing. Feelings are the foundation to EVERYTHING.
If you don’t have both the feeling and clear goal set. Then its just a bunch of unnecessary steps to get what you want.
That’s were the long term timeless change comes from. I’ll show you how to subliminal message your self to reprogram your brain. Yes, that means sticky notes, screen savers and even the story behind why I created audios that I listened to in my sleep.