Margaret Stevens

There is this myth that creating a successful and profitable business HAS to come at the expense of your health. This is not only super false but its also only a story repeated by people that don’t know the right combo of integrating health and business into the mix.

Look at the top fortune 500 in the USA, most of them have a super rigid exercise and health routine. They go to the gym, they take their vitamins, they eat their veggies. And they are also crushing it in business!

After years of ping-ponging back and forth of either being super healthy or super successful, I made it my mission to bring both into balance.

That thought is what has been my fuel for the last two years.

I am all about creating delicious wealth without sacrificing my health.

Which means that I’m constantly looking for ways to create more wealth and supercharge my health at the same time.

So to share what I have learned over the year. Here are my top 3 ways to create delicious wealth without sacrificing your health.

1) Your more disciplined to do thing the things that move you forward, even if it hard.

When you are going through a hard task if you have exercised on a regular basis. you build up an internal muscle and knowledge of how much you can handle. You know that you can keep going and stop once the task is done. You have this inner strength that will pipe up and say if you could run that 10k sending out an email is easy. But when you don’t know your boundaries, it’s too easy to quit. Same goes for when we are saying no to things that won’t move us forward. When you have built up that muscle taking care of your health, then saying no to that sugary drink be

2) you can keep going longer than your competition. Business is a marathon, not a sprint.

If you’re a small business, and you get sick for a few days. what happens? Do you have to close the doors? do you still have to take clients and hope you don’t freak them out because snot is running down your face? Do you get your employees sick and play the game of pass the cold?

No, Instead you focus on taking it easy during flu season. You make sure that at the first sign of a cold you take it easy. You leave on time. You say no to things that don’t need to be done right away. You eat in a way that your body is supported. You sleep a bit more. That way you either don’t get sick as often or if you do, your rebound time is much faster.

3) You’re able to give off a better vibe to your customer and use the “law of attraction” more easily.

So, if your constantly sick and having to not give your A game, it affects your customers. Instead of constantly giving off a vibe of radiant health. We are all subconsciously attracted to that radiant health that just has a person glow from the inside out. It was what sent signals back in the cave man days that the person was healthy and a good mating match. Now it’s a subtle way to give off a vibe that you and your business is health and a good match to fit their needs long-term.

It also makes it easy for you to handle problems and show your customer that they can trust you to take care of them.

So now I want to hear from you. What are some myths that you have around created delicious wealth without sacrificing your health? For brownie points, list three ways you can start incorporating healthy habits into your business today.

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